If people are not happy with shaving, Brazilian waxing, or tweezing to help remove unwanted hair, laser removal may be a good option worth considering. This type of hair removal process is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in the United States. It focuses highly concentrated light into the patient’s hair follicles. The pigment absorbs the laser light and destroys the hair.

Benefits of this type of follicle removal

Lasers are pretty useful for removing any unwanted follicles from the bikini line, underarm, arm, back, chin, legs, face, and other areas. The benefits of this process include:


It can selectively target coarse and dark hairs while leaving the surrounding area untouched or undamaged.

Check out this site for more details about how lasers work.


Every laser pulse takes less than a second and can treat a lot of follicles at the same time. It can treat areas …