You must know about proper eye care in order to maintain good eyesight and health. Eye problems are difficult to work with, and that is why it is important to use this advice. Understand this advice and make good use to assist you when you need good information.
If you are a smoker, consider quitting. Although you probably are aware of the lung damage you are causing, your poor eyes are being affected too. Those who smoke for a long time are much more likely to develop eye disease. You can decrease the chances of getting optic nerve damage and cataracts if you quit smoking.
Know your family’s history of eye issues. A lot of eye conditions are genetic and it will be easier for a doctor to help you if you know of your risks. Ask older family members so you will know.
Omega-3 fatty acids offer great nutrients for your eyes. Integrating foods in your diet that contain this ingredient is important. Foods that make this list are tuna, halibut, salmon and dark green leafy vegetables. Eat a minimum of a serving daily.
Just because you blink a lot does not automatically mean you have an eye problem. This may be something that you do when nervous or stressed. Try adopting some form of meditation or other method of relaxation. If tics are not the issue, speak with your ophthalmologist.
Sunglasses are a necessity if you want your eyes to stay healthy. They can help you avoid harmful UV rays, for example. There are some brands that block all UVA/UVB rays. If you drive constantly, try getting polarized lenses. This can take away the glare from your glasses. Sunglasses are always needed even if you have contacts.
Look at the heating and air conditioning situation in your home. These temperature control systems are a major source of dry eyes. Rather than avoiding using the heater, you can also run the humidifier to add moisture to the air. Having properly hydrated air circulating through your home will help you prevent dry eye.
If you stare at a computer screen on a daily basis, know that this can cause problems to your eyes. If your eyes are feeling dried out, blink rapidly to refresh the layer of moisture on them. It is also important to cut back on screen glare. If necessary, you can even get an anti-glare screen. Finally, make sure the computer is positioned such that your eyes and the top of the monitor are level with one another. Looking down toward the screen is not ideal.
Keep some saline solution in your home. Be sure to wear goggles when you need to protect your eyes from flying objects or liquids. Typically, though, you aren’t going to put on goggles to pick up around the house. If something gets in your eye, like soap, make sure to wash it out with a saline solution.
Good eye health depends on getting eye examinations on a regular basis. As you get older, it becomes even more important, so see the doctor more frequently. Older people are more likely to develop glaucoma or cataracts. Monitoring them can let the eye care specialist catch any issues early.
If you use makeup, replace it six times a year. For the same reasons you would want to replace your contacts every few months: they build up bacteria. You’re rubbing more and more bacteria on your face as time goes on. Unfortunately, there are numerous ways this bacteria laden activity can harm your vision and surrounding areas.
Know your family’s history of eye health. Many conditions of the eye are hereditary. This will help you figure out if there is anything you should be concerned about. This will allow you to follow a plan that will diminish your chances of facing problems because of early detection.
Your eyes can become dry more often as you age. Eating a diet that has Omega-3 fatty acids can help. Keep in mind that both cold and hot air can make things worse. Make sure that the vents in your car are not directly on your face.
If you look at the same thing, computer screen, television, book, etc, for too long, change your scenery. This will get your blood flowing and give your eyes a break. Your eyes of course get the extra blood flow and oxygen, which takes away the eye strain.
Stop smoking now. Smoking can lead to blood vessel damage. It can create additional issues, including cataracts. Refrain from smoking to keep your eyes healthier.
Treat puffy eyelids with cucumber slices. Slice them fairly thinly and then put them on the lids of your eyes. Lie still, closing your eyes, for about ten minutes. Applying a small green tea back which you had soaked in cool water can also reduce the inflammation and puffiness.
If your eyes become irritated or dry while sleeping, use eye ointment. These ointments serve as good lubrication, but persist longer because they are not water based. It does cause immediate blurriness, and that is why it is best to use before you sleep.
If your eyelids become inflamed, keep a solution to clean your eyes with you. Removal is eased through the lightly sudsing formula that gathers loose particles. Use the scrub any time your eyes are irritated or as a preventative measure for avoiding irritation.
Consider a hat for eye protection when outside. The hat and sunglasses work together to provide you with total UV protection. A wide-brimmed hat is ideal if you want the full protection. Sun exposure can cause melanoma on your eyelids. You can stop this by using sunglasses and wide hats to cover your eyelids.
If you work on your computer for long stretches at a time, sit where your eyes are at the same height as the top of your monitor. This way you can look slightly downward towards the screen. In this way, you can minimize eye, neck and back strain.
You’re now able to see that this information on eye care can help you out. Don’t ever forget to take care of your eyes. You will be happy when you use this advice.